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Undergraduate Departure Survey Preview

Find below questions within the undergraduate student Departure Survey. Please note not all survey questions may display based on a previous response selection. Questions regarding the Departure Survey can be sent to Justin St. Charles at

I am a:

  • Student who is leaving the institution
  • Student who is considering leaving the institution
  • Faculty or staff member


We understand that sometimes Spartans need a break. Do you anticipate returning to MSU at some point in the future to complete your undergraduate degree?

  • Yes
  • Maybe
  • No


When do you anticipate returning to MSU? Please indicate semester (fall, spring, summer) and year.


Would you be interested in someone reaching out to provide resources or learn more about your experience?

  • Yes, I would like someone to reach out.
  • No, please do not contact me.


What is your preferred contact information?

  • Email
  • Phone 


Why are you leaving MSU? Select all that apply.

  • Academic challenges
  • Issues related to major (not offered/not admitted)
  • Care-giving responsibilities
  • Distance from home
  • Financial
  • Housing concerns
  • Life changing event (e.g., military obligation, religious mission, familial responsibility)
  • Physical health and well-being
  • Mental health and well-being
  • Sense of belonging at MSU
  • Lack of social relationships
  • Job/employment
  • Immigration (e.g., visa, green card)
  • Safety concerns
  • Lack of support for my identities
  • Military service
  • Another option not listed here:


Please rank your reasons for leaving MSU with 1 being the most significant reason.

  • Academic challenges
  • Issues related to major (not offered/not admitted)
  • Care-giving responsibilities
  • Distance from home
  • Financial
  • Housing concerns
  • Life changing event (e.g., military obligation, religious mission, familial responsibility)
  • Physical health and well-being
  • Sense of belonging at MSU
  • Lack of social relationship
  • Job/employment
  • Immigration (e.g., visa, green card)
  • Safety concerns
  • Mental health and well-being
  • Lack of support for my identities
  • Military service


Is there anything you would like to share about your reason(s) for leaving?


What are your plans once you are no longer attending MSU?

  • Take a leave of absence and return to MSU another semester
  • Attend a different institution and not return to MSU
  • Stop attending college
  • I'm not sure yet
  • Prefer not to respond
  • Another option not listed here: 

Which institution are you transferring to? Please provide the full name.


Why are you transferring to this institution?


Rate how you feel about the following statements (selecting from Strongly disagree, Disagree, Somewhat disagree, Somewhat agree, Agree, Strongly Agree, Not applicable)

  • I am treated with respect at MSU.
  • People at MSU are friendly to me.
  • There is at least one person at MSU I can talk to if I have a problem.
  • I can really be myself at MSU.
  • Professors and staff at MSU really want me to succeed.
  • Other students at MSU like me the way I am.
  • My instructors are approachable for academic questions.
  • My instructors structure learning experiences that make me capable of learning.
  • The classroom environment encourages me to participate in course activities.
  • My instructors discuss possible career paths in classroom activities. 
  • My instructors work individually with me when I need help.
  • My instructors consider my academic interests in classroom activities.
  • My instructors recognize my academic improvement.

If you could change any part of your experience at MSU, what would it be?


Is there anything else you would like to share?


Ready to take the Survey?

Departure Survey