Undergraduate (UGS) Seminars
First-year seminars introduce students to social and academic life at the University, providing a small-group experience to support students' transition. These are considered high-impact practices by AAC&U, and are offered centrally in Undergraduate Studies, as well as within the colleges.
MSU has a range of seminar offerings, including special topic seminars, college transition seminars, off-campus and global seminars, as well as seminars offered by academic colleges and majors. These options allow for incoming students to engage in small learning communities designed to help them succeed in college. Some of these opportunities are specialized and offered in departments and colleges, and other seminars are open to everyone and offered by the university.
Get going! Choose a first-year seminar that is right for you! Spartans roll up their sleeves and delve into learning with a passion. First-year seminars provoke your thinking and stimulate big ideas for your experience as a Spartan.
If you have any questions, please contact the following:
For FSA UGS (102-103) Sheila Marquardt, Coordinator of Global Initiatives, marqua36@msu.edu
For UGS (201): Brooke Robinson, Program Coordinator, robi1233@msu.edu
For UGS (210) Alysa Lucas, Curriculum Dev, lucasaly@msu.edu
For UGS (250) Bethany Judge, Director of Experiential Learning, judgebe@msu.edu