I have completed a whirlwind of meetings with academic and support units across campus and have compiled my thoughts with the hope of identifying areas of interest that seem to cross colleges and units. Your time and honesty are greatly appreciated. There are still many support units I’ll continue to connect with over the next term.
The University Advising unit is seeing the results of a streamlined hiring process that has afforded us six new advisors. These advisors will be shadowing and onboarding through the first several weeks of the spring semester. As we continue to build this team, these will be the colleagues you (the colleges) will collaborate with to create complimentary support strategies for exploring students not only for fall 2023 but for this summer’s New Student Orientation (NSO). Those invitations will go out in early spring.
Since my last communication, we are happy to announce that the University Advising Initiative website is live. We strongly encourage you to reference this site if you have any questions. Future enhancements to the website will include not only Advising Initiative updates, but new student facing University Advising office pages. These updates will include the updated Advising information pages we are relocating from the NSSC website.
I hope everyone has a rejuvenating break!